Sunday, May 4, 2008

The tormenting experience

My name is Isaac Christian. I am now 89 years old; I have a loving wife and two kids and eight grandchildren. When I was young, I had an experience no one would ever imagined. I was actually a notorious killer at that time and the police were everywhere looking for me. I foolishly thought that no police was walking the street and I dashed across and was unfortunately ambushed.
In the end, a policeman shot me down. I suddenly felt very pain, then I felt coldness, and then I closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes, I felt very hot. When I looked around, I saw many souls working. Some were mining, some were putting coal into the stove and I thought what kind of place is this?
Then suddenly, two figures pushed me into a cell. I felt anxious, nervous and scared. Then suddenly, a weak voice called out to me. Then in the shadows, I saw an old man slowly walking out of the shadows. I asked him “where am I? What is this place? Why am I here?” he said nothing and he tugged my shirt to a place where my view was and he told me “ you are in hell. Maybe because you did something evil or you committed a heavy crime in your life.” Then the two figures brought me to a place where many figures that seemed like what they called grim reapers were standing in the way then they dragged me to the “Emperor” of Hell. He asked, “ Are you Isaac Christian?” I replied a resounding “YES!” he then continued “ you have committed murder and rape in your present life, I hereby sentence you to do mining service and stay in Prison for nine years.
I was then sent to change my clothes, the started work.
When I was working, I met a friend called Jan Lee; he claimed that he was a Malaysian in his past life. He was working here for 32 years. Then after the mining we were sent to our cells. I was hoping to get out of this place and I vowed that if I were to leave this place I would start over anew life.
Day by day this goes on I am doing the same thing everyday, gradually, I have become a dead robot, wishfully thinking that I would get out of this hell
Then one day, a man dressed in white suddenly appeared in front of me saying that he wanted to see me. I followed him and to my surprise, he was actually an ambassador from Earth he demanded that Hell would release him and sent him back to Earth as he has already served his sentence and plead for forgiveness. Then all of a sudden he put something into my mouth and I was back to Earth, when I woke up I found myself in the crematorium, preparing to be burned I quickly shouted and the undertaker dropped me down. I thanked the undertaker and went home and packed my things and ran far away. I then met with my beautiful wife; Mary and we bore two kids!

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