Sunday, May 4, 2008

My grandfather’s scary funeral

It has been 15 years since the funeral of my grandfather yet I still could not forget what happened. My grandfather died of old age and just passed away on the bed. I could vividly remember that I controlled myself not to cry but the heavy sacs of tears was too heavy for me to control and started rolling from my cheeks I remember my mum crying so loud that even the neighbors upstairs had to come down and complained.
So every body came to my grandfather’s funeral. It was a pretty sad and gray scene. You could see many familiar faces trying to console one another. I saw my father bringing boxes of tissues to my aunties and cousins then I noticed someone that we didn’t invite to the funeral entered my grandfather’s canvas. So we thought that it was just an ordinary person or just his neighbor. So after everybody left, we were left with cleaning up and watching guard for my grandfather’s coffin just in case he wakes up in the middle of the night!
So after we cleaned up I accompanied my uncle to guard the coffin because we Chinese believe that if a black cat jumped over the coffin, the deceased will come back to life as a zombie well I thought it was an old wife’s tale until I experienced it myself I saw a black cat and quickly alerted my uncle. We chased it away but it did not budge. It just crossed over the coffin!
We both opened the coffin and to our horror, my grandfather’s eyes were wide open and you could imagine a pale and motionless person with its two eyes staring right at you! You would jump right? But the scariest thing was that it held my hand and then murmured something. I tried to pull his hands away from my wrist but he just wouldn’t let go! I cried to my uncle and he being a long time feng shui master he poured some tea over my grandfather and said some ancient Chinese inscriptions and POOF!!! My grandfather literally went back to normal. I heaved a heavy sigh of relief. My uncle told me to keep this a secret between the two of us. I agreed and since then, whenever there is a funeral I will try to keep a distance from the deceased.
I am now happily married and have two kids but this incident would always be etched on my mind.

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