Sunday, May 4, 2008

The life of an undertaker

I am Lim Teck Kun and I am an undertaker. The story I am about to share is something I will never forget.
It was a normal night and I am doing my midnight duty on Mount Vernon when I heard an eerie creaking sound. It was something I have never heard for the whole of my undertaking life. I went to the scene where I heard the noise and then, all of a sudden I felt something cold blowing towards my face. When I turned around I saw something horrifying! I saw this male dressed in the old London style. He was not like what others would describe it as a “white ghostly figure” but an old looking perfectly normal man
The only thing abnormal about him was that he was floating above ground at about 10 inches! He suddenly turned his eyes towards me and shouted frantically “where am I? What am I doing here?” I then told him that he has crossed over to the other world and that he should rest in peace then he said that he has an unfinished business I remember my boss telling me that if any ghost had any unfinished business, I should listen to what he has to say and help him finish it.
So I told him to explain every thing to me and I promised him that I would try my best to finish it. So he began telling me…
He said that before he left this world, he had a big fight with his wife over a sum of money she asked me where the money was but I told her that the time was not ripe yet until when I thought the time was ripe and wanted to give it to her, I just went like that. He told me where the money was and instructed me to pass the money to her. I told him to rest assure that I would get the job done and the next morning, I went to their house and told his wife that her husband was talking to me last night at first she was a bit suspicious of my actions but when I told her about the money case, her eyes sparkled with joy and said that she missed her husband I asked her whether she had a hammer and she said “yes” she took out from her storeroom and I took it and went to the dressing table and just took the hammer and smashed the wooden table. There was heaps and heaps of cash there. She jumped for joy and murmured “ thank you hubby. When I looked at her indescribable expression, it was something I thought that I ould never thought and I know that even as an undertaker I know that ghost is not that bad afer all or is it…?

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